How long is the trial license valid for?

How long is the trial license valid for?

It is valid for a period of 20 calendar days after the trial license was requested. During these 20 days, you can use the software in its full capacity for five full days. These five days do not have to be consecutive, i.e., can be spaced out as desired.

When you start the application, it deducts 1 day from the 5 active days you are allowed evaluate the software. If you close and restart the application or let it run within the next 24 hours, no additional days are deducted from your active trial days. When the 24 hours have passed, if the app is still running, an additional active day is deducted. Same applies if you start or restart the application.

This allows you for example to evaluate the app for two days, go on a one-week vacation and later evaluate the app for another three days. When all five active days are used, the trial license expires. Likewise, if the five active days are not used within the 20 calendar days, the license expires.