What are the most frequently asked questions?

What are the most frequently asked questions?

Find more information about security and data protection

Is the data exchanged between me and ATLAS.ti Web encrypted?

Yes, ATLAS.ti fully encrypts the data exchanged between your browser and our Web application using the latest TLS authentication. Our utilized SSL certificates provide customers with the maximum level of encryption security.

How do you secure user accounts and passwords?

The ATLAS.ti authentication system uses a bcrypt password hashing function designed to protect against hacker attacks such as rainbow table and remains resistant to brute-force search attacks. Moreover, we implement password strength requirements and offer Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection.

How do you ensure physical security of your Web application?

Our application is hosted on world-class data centers located in Germany and protected by 24/7 physical security guard services, full CCTV coverage, advanced entry restrictions, biometric readers with two-factor authentication, battery and generator backup, secure loading zones for delivery, and more. 

How do you integrate security in your development?

A dedicated development security process is an inherent part of our development routine. We efficiently minimize risks and exclude potential security issues through in-depth code reviews, automated and manual testing on our staging environment before releasing updates on ATLAS.ti Web.

Can ATLAS.ti staff read customer data?

All customer data is protected and only one ATLAS.ti staff member has access rights to customer projects and data in the rare event of a specific support case. Our internal guidelines stipulate requesting written permission anytime before accessing customer data.

Do you comply with GDPR?

Yes, ATLAS.ti Web fully complies with GDPR privacy regulations. Your personal information will be protected and we offer a clear Privacy Policy and Terms that describe the processing of personal and anonymous data that we collect when you correspond with us via email, phone, or other communication channels or visit our website.

Do you comply with Privacy Shield Frameworks?

ATLAS.ti Web itself is not Privacy Shield certified at the moment – however, our Web infrastructure provider, DigitalOcean, fully complies with the EU-US and Swiss-US Privacy Shield Frameworks as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal data.

Is there a point of contact for security?

Yes, you can email cloudsecurity@support.atlasti.com with your questions or concerns regarding security.