I want to buy ATLAS.ti in Spanish. How should I proceed?

I want to buy ATLAS.ti in Spanish. How should I proceed?

You can always change the interface language of ATLAS.ti to for instance Spanish. If your Windows operating system is set to Spanish, ATLAS.ti will also start with the Spanish language interface.

If you use ATLAS.ti Mac and you have set the OS language to Spanish, ATLAS.ti will start with the Spanish language interface.

In other words, there is no “Spanish” or “German” version of ATLAS.ti. ATLAS.ti recognizes the language you are currently using as system language and uses this also for ATLAS.ti, if the language is available. Currently we support:

  • English
  • German
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Portuguese
  • Chinese (simplified)

In the Windows version, you can change the interface language via the Option settings in ATLAS.ti. In the Mac version, you can only change it by changing the system language.