Can I import my articles from Mendeley into ATLAS.ti?

Can I import my articles from Mendeley into ATLAS.ti?

I am working with Mendeley or other reference managers for my literature review, but I would like to continue my work with ATLAS.ti.  Can I import my articles from Mendeley into ATLAS.ti?

Yes – with ATLAS.ti Mac and Windows versions 8 and higher. You can import documents from your preferred bibliographic reference manager, if they offer the ability to export to an XML format for Endnotes. If your reference manager only exports data in .ris or .bib format, you can use the following workaround:
- install the free version of Mendeley / Zotero / Reference Manager
- import your data first into one of those programs
- export the data.

In ATLAS.ti Windows, you select the Import & Export tab and from there Reference Manager. In ATLAS.ti Mac, select Document > Import Reference Manager Data.