How do I save backup copies of my project?

How do I save backup copies of my project?

Simply export your Project (Windows: File > Export ; Mac: Project > Export Project). This creates a single file (in .atlprojX format) that contains your complete project. You can also view our video tutorials:

We highly recommend that you back up up your projects in this way regularly and frequently. It is the best way to safeguard against hardware failure. Save the bundle file(s) in a secure location. 

Other than for backup, the bundle file is also used for transferring your project to another computer (e.g., for sharing the data in a team project). It can be imported in any installation of ATLAS.ti of the same or newer version. 

If you need further assistance, write to for issues with ATLAS.ti Windows, for issues with ATLAS.ti Mac, or for issues with ATLAS.ti Web. Include a description of your problem and any relevant additional information.